
Thursday Jan 05, 2017
Thursday Jan 05, 2017
Thursday Jan 05, 2017
Getting promoted sometimes feels like a mysterious process. We all have seen that colleague that was “surprised” to get that promotion. I am here to tell you that for top performers, promotions are not a mystical process. They are a process that you must methodically implement to ensure that you maintain a career trajectory that will get you where you want to go.
If you prefer to listen or watch about this content, we have also produced a YouTube.
Let’s use the acronym PROMO to remember the steps we must take to achieve our goal.
Plan – We must have a career plan that we revisit regularly. This will help us to ensure we are actually on a career path and not drifting through work.
Review – You must review your plan regularly and also review it with your boss to ensure that he/she is aligned with your career plan.
Objectives – You must work with your boss to set realistic performance levels or objectives so that you know what you must achieve to get promoted to the next level.
Maximize – Ok, I am stretching here. What I really mean is EXECUTE. Get as much done as possible. If you want to be promoted, you need to be seen as an individual who really gets things done.
Outspoken – When you do get things done, don’t be content being in the background. Look for opportunities to communicate your accomplishments. Creating visibility for your high level of achievement is critical to getting regularly promoted.
By incorporating the PROMO strategy into your career as a regular part of what you do, you can achieve a career path where you receive promotions every 2–4 years. This becomes much harder to do once you reach Director and VP, but in the first 12 years of your career, you should strive for regular promotions. If you can’t achieve this at your current company, it may be time for some self-reflection or a job change.
Mike Adamo is a Medical Device Headhunter and author of several business books.
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You can also read more from Mike on his blog MRAdamo.com
Check out Mike's business books on career management and recruitment:

Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
HAPPY 1 year to RCTM PODCAST! 2016 Review and 2017 Goals
Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
It's been one year since we launched the RCTM podcast. In this eppisode I will reflect on highlights and discuss my goals for 2017

Thursday Dec 22, 2016
How to ASK for and GET a Pay INCREASE
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
The Four P’s of ASKING for and GETTING a PAY increase
Despite what people say about it not being all about the money, sometimes it is. For most of us we spend more time working than we do with our family. It’s important to feel like you being fairly paid for the work you do. If you don’t you have two choices; find another job or ask for a Pay Increase. Before you start looking for a job it’s always best to confirm that your issue can’t be solved by raising it with your company. If pay is your primary motivator for job hunting ALWAYS ASK FOR A PAY INCREASE FIRST!
Below you will see a simple outline of the steps you can take to ASK for and GET the increase you want. If you prefer to listen to or watch to better understand the content check out the Med Device Talent YouTube and or Podcast on Getting Paid!
There are four steps to addressing salary issues. I call them the four P’s. Plan, Present, Partner and Perform. Let’s explore each is a bit greater detail.
Plan – In the planning phase you need to gather your data and plan how you will execute this crucial conversation
- Do some research – not just on line salary calculators
- Talk to co-workers ( Yes HR will hate this)
- Speak to 1-2 headhunters they always know the market- ask what fair pay is for your role
- Prepare a discussion guide or plan
- Like all crucial conversations you should preplan
- What you will say and how you will say it
- Selling points
- Market data
- Why you create value
- Like all crucial conversations you should preplan
Present – This is the step where you actually discuss your issue with your boss. Make sure you follow your plan.
- First, assess how your boss feels about your performance
- If you’re not a star performer you’re not getting that raise
- If you are a top having them talk to you about how great you are will help set the stage
- Talk about your how your pay makes you feel- how you feel is less combative and opens the other party up to a more partnering approach
- Don’t make it personal, put the issue on the table don’t make it’s your issue of your bosses’ issue
Partner - During this phase you need to move from complaining about your pay to partnering with your boss to understand and solve the issue.
- Once you identify the issue seek to understand if and how your pay can be resolved
- Be patient- being underpaid takes a while to develop- don’t expect your boss to fix years of falling behind the market in one week.
- The important thing is to enlist your boss in understanding your pay is important to you and working to get approvals in the shirt and long term to keep you moving forward.
Perform – Without performance people will not want to give you a pay increase
- You must establish a reputation as a top perfumer and continue to deliver on your promise

Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Episode 16- Radical Hiring Success - Stop Making Critical Hiring Mistakes
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
A sneak preview of Mike's new book avaiable on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback http://a.co/4o9qmER

Wednesday Sep 07, 2016
Episode 15- Strong Finish
Wednesday Sep 07, 2016
Wednesday Sep 07, 2016
The summer is over.

Thursday Aug 25, 2016
Episode 14 - New Book COMING SOOON
Thursday Aug 25, 2016
Thursday Aug 25, 2016
In this episode, we are back! After several months focused on writing his new book and starting a recruitment firm Mike is back with a new podcast. In this episode we will explain what Mike has been up to and give you a snack preview of his new career book due out in early fall.

Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
Episode 13 - Onboarding Your New Employee
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
Once you hire a new employee the most critical thing you can do as a leader is to get them up to speed quickly. In this episode we will cover some ideas how you can do it more effectivley.

Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
Episode 12 – Becoming a Better Interviewer
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
In this episode we will work on developing the skills as a leader that you need to identify and attract the right employees. We will take a deep dive in to preparing for interviews, developing question, interviewing, selling your job and making hiring decisions.

Thursday Feb 18, 2016
Episode 11 - Resignation & Counter Offer - It's not easy to say goobye
Thursday Feb 18, 2016
Thursday Feb 18, 2016
It's not easy to resign, in this episode we will cover how and when as well as review the messaging and how to manage your relationships. We will also review what discussions you should have with your company prior to resignation. Finally, we will discuss why you never what to even consider entertaining a counter offer.

Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
Episode 10- Relocation
Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
Relocation can be a fulfilling career accelerator or a stressful area people avoid. In this episode we will explore the potential opportunities to enhance your career by considering relocation as a part of your career strategy. We will discuss the pros and cons as well as explore process and tips to take on this potental step in your career.