
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Do This Every Year After Your Annual Review!
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Three Things You Need to do Every Year After Your Annual Review
For many of us slaving away in corporate America, the end of the first quarter of the year is review time. Hopefully, it’s full of PROMOTIONS, BIG PAY INCREASES and Massive BONUSES. My mouth is nearly watering with all the good stuff that has happened over the year during my performance reviews.
Seriously, the above mentioned good stuff just doesn’t happen by accident. You have to take control of your career, plan and deliver performance to keep on track to receive all the great things you want in your career.
Here are three things you need to do every year at review time.
1) Take stock of your career- ask yourself the Following questions:
Am I working hard to accomplish my goals?
Am I working for a great company?
Is my boss someone I respect and admire?
What is my career path?
2) Update your Resume -You should take the time to update your resume EVERY year.
Annual review time is the best time to do this as you have likely just reviewed your accomplishments with your boss, and they will be front of mind. Even if your happy and not looking, it’s best to keep an updated resume on hand.
3) Update your career plan
It’s important to take personal ownership of your career. A critical component of this is taking the time to have your own career plan. For more on this check out my career planning podcast.
The Bottom Line
Annual review time isn’t just for companies to review you. It's your time to review your company, job and career. If you’re not where you want to be it’s time for some serious conversations with your boss. If you can’t create the job and career, you want with your current employer it’s time to connect with one or two great recruiters.

Sunday Feb 26, 2017
How Great Recruiters Work
Sunday Feb 26, 2017
Sunday Feb 26, 2017
It’s the age-old battle, internal recruiters disparage Headhunters and Search firm people trash HR. Let’s take a fair and balanced look that the benefits and limits of each of these valuable hiring resources.
What’s the deal with recruiters?
In my previous book, I discuss the different types of recruiters and how they can help people with their career. Let’s invest a few minutes exploring how they can help you hire. There are two classifications of recruiters, internal recruiters and headhunters.
The pros and cons of Internal Recruiters
Internal recruiters are the recruiters that your company employs to handle your open jobs. The advantage of these folks is that you’re not paying any additional external fees for this person. The cost to a company for this type of resource is fixed, typically you pay them a salary or hourly rate without any commission so the cost is the same regardless of how many people you hire. The other advantage is they know the culture of your organization and what type of people work best in it. The disadvantage is these folks is tend to have a very high workload. This means they have little time to reach out and attract candidates that aren’t looking for a job. The typical strategy of an internal recruiting model is to have fewer recruiters working on more job openings.
I spent ten years managing an internal recruitment program and I’m one of the few people in the entire recruitment business book-writing industry that has worked in both internal corporate recruiting and as a headhunter. Based on this experience, I can tell you that internal recruiters are extremely cost-effective; however they struggle to find the top performers from your competitors. Internal recruiting works best when you’re hiring a large number of very similar jobs and candidates aren’t hard to find.
Their tools tend to be limited to things like LinkedIn, candidate applicants, and possibly a little bit of networking if they have any time. There is little focus on the proactive and strategic parts of recruitment. I estimate that most spend less than five percent of their time speaking to people in the industry who aren’t looking for a job. That simply isn’t an effective model. If this model works for you, that’s just great. But if you need to find a star in a shorter period of time, your best options are: A, to take matters into your own hands and reach out to people in your network or build your own network or, B, get somebody to do the job who’s already built a network of high quality candidates in your industry.
Are external recruiters better?
Since I run an external recruiting firm, you might be thinking that I am now going to tell you how great external recruiters are. Unfortunately, the majority of headhunters now work more like corporate recruiters or worse, they are pushy sales people with zero knowledge. They work on LinkedIn, they post jobs, they send whatever they find. Become an educated consumer and learn where the experts reside. These are the individuals who can help you to target top performers, and coach you to make you a better hiring manger.
How the best recruiters work
If you ask the right questions within your network and interview recruiters, you’ll discover that not all recruiters spend all their time on LinkedIn. Some recruiters work in the old school way that existed before LinkedIn when the telephone, a database, and printed directories were the only way to find talent. They pick up the phone. They strive to identify people who are happy in their job and not looking. They build relationships and market knowledge which allows them to create candidates that don’t exist by identifying gaps in individuals’ career goals and offer new opportunity to fill in those gaps.
This skill takes years to develop and isn’t in the toolkit of most corporate recruiters. It simply doesn’t make sense for them to do this. Headhunters need to build relationships with all good candidates across geographies and functions within their market. Corporate recruiters don’t place the same value on building relationships in their industry. They’re focused on their company and candidates they can hire now to fill current jobs. From a candidate’s perspective they also have little need to befriend a corporate recruiter unless they are looking for a job at their company. A headhunter can unlock many, many doors so it’s wise to get to know a few. Candidates know this, so the smart ones are more likely to speak to you even if they’re not looking. This is the power that a truly effective headhunter brings to your career and the power that a headhunter brings to your search process.
Ask how recruiters work
Unfortunately, this is the era of the “lazy LinkedIn Recruiter.” Why anyone would pay twenty or thirty thousand dollars for a headhunter who posts jobs or trolls LinkedIn is beyond me. This investment only makes sense when you hire a market expert who has invested the time to build their own network and a highly valuable database. Sure, I use LinkedIn but I use it as a source for data not as my major focus. Find a recruiter who is focused on finding people that aren’t looking for a job and your investment will be well worth it.
I’m not saying that you need to use search for all your jobs. The fact is you may be able to build a network and relationships that allow you to identify top quality talent with little to no use of headhunters. However, when that’s not working, before you go post and pray, and hope that somebody applies for your job, consider using the expertise of a headhunter that knows and works in your marketplace to get you connected with talent that can change the game for you.
Mike Adamo is a Medical Device Headhunter and author of several business books.
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You can also read more from Mike on his blog MRAdamo.com.
Check out Mike's business books on career management and recruitment:

Sunday Feb 19, 2017
How to Write an AMZING Resume
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Want to learn how to write an amazing resume? In this eppisode I share tips that will help your resume to stand out

Monday Feb 13, 2017
Unemployed, Job hunt advice for the full time job seeker
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Need a strategy to get your job search on track? In this episode we will coverwhat to do if you find yourself on the job hunt without a job. We will explorethe following:
- Creating a job search strategy
- Job Networking
- Emotinal well being while on the job hunt

Sunday Feb 05, 2017
Career Survival
Sunday Feb 05, 2017
Sunday Feb 05, 2017
Don't let your career die!
In this episode we will discuss the color codes of Career Suvival adapted from the Cooper Color Code -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Cooper

Saturday Jan 28, 2017
Is It Really Time to Look for a New Job or Are You Being Impulsive?
Saturday Jan 28, 2017
Saturday Jan 28, 2017
The decision to make a job change can create a great deal of stress. The last thing you want to do is make a bad decision. In almost twenty years as a headhunter, career coach, and human resources executive, I have developed a framework to help thousands of people make a decision to stay or go. It’s best to know where you stand before you initiate a job search, so get out that mirror and take a look what where you stand:
How is the relationship with your boss?
Research shows that the majority of people don’t leave companies and jobs. They actually leave bad bosses to go to better bosses. It’s not to say if the other three components of this model are bad that you will stay in your job for a great boss, but you need to take a hard look at how good things are and how good your direct leadership is for your career.
What’s your career plan?
If you have been keeping up with my work (mradamo.com), you know I am a big advocate for creating and maintaining a career plan. The decision to leave a company should be grounded in a solid career plan. If you don’t have one, this is a good time to start that process. Another measure of this is to ask yourself if you know what the next step in your career is once you achieve the goals you have for your job. If you don’t have goals and a next step, this would be a pretty clear sign that you don’t have a clear career path at your current employer. It’s time to create one with your amazing boss or update that resume.
How long have you been there?
Job hoppers ultimately become less attractive candidates. If you want more on this, check out a job hopping article I wrote a while back. Generally, there is a major problem if you’re ready to look for a job less than three years after joining a company. While you can get away with this once in your career, it’s better to ask yourself did I make a bad decision? On the other hand, if you been with a company for more than seven years, you may just want to start planning a change even if the other components are not that bad. Staying too long at one company can be a major career killer.
What is the future outlook for your company?
Now that you have analyzed the other three components that are about you and your boss, it’s time to look at the big picture. What is the future of your company? If things are bleak, you may accelerate your plans; however, if things are looking up, you may want to look for another internal opportunity or work harder to resolve some of the areas previously described.
So now you have the knowledge to go from impulsive to calculated. These four components work as a system. Sometimes one is a deal breaker, but often it’s the totality of the picture that drives your ultimate decision. The final piece of advice I will give you on making the decision is from Yoda. “Do or do not. There is no try.” If you make a decision to find a new job, stick to it and get it done. Don’t be dissuaded by challenge or adversity. It’s hard work to drive your career forward. If you make the call to stay, work hard and stick it out. Going back and forth or worse, interviewing and accepting a counter offer to stay, is another major career killer

Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Want a killer LinkedIn Profile?
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Resume Podcast - https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-t89u4-5afe0b
Killer LinkedIn Youtube- https://youtu.be/_saTmAchohk
Building a Great LinkedIn Profile
Don’t be like the majority of people who wait until they need LinkedIn. Build your brand, content, and connections now. It takes months, if not years, to effectively build a brand and vast network, so why wait until you need it? Part of being proactive with your career is taking the steps you need to develop relationships within your industry now while you are happy with your current role. If you’re reading this book because you are on a job hunt, don’t despair; there are things you can do to build your network faster. As the ancient Chinese proverb states, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” Plant your LinkedIn tree today and reap the fruit of your labor when you need them.
Image Matters – Get a Professional Headshot
Your image is the first place to start as you begin to leverage LinkedIn as the powerful business networking tool it is. Having a professional photo is a must. Not having a photo is a huge miss. Images humanize you; they help people connect with you through a media that risks being cold.
Worse than not having a photo is having a bad one. My list of bad photos includes overly produced images and ones with statements or cheesy marketing captions. Vacation/travel photos don’t seem that professional either, and images of you and your spouse, dog, cat, or car make it look like you are unprofessional. LinkedIn photos are similar to the advice I give on interview attire. If you want to be a top business exec, start acting like one.
Write a Great Headline
The headline is right under your name when you edit your profile. It shows up right under your photo everywhere on LinkedIn. When people see you in their search, when folks consider connecting with you, and when you reach out to connect with them, your headline is always there. It is also heavily weighted in Google and LinkedIn search results, so it’s very important. Do not use this area to tell people you are unemployed; it’s a huge turn off. Imagine if LinkedIn was a personal ad and you were dating. What would you want to see? A picture of an attractive person with the headline “looking for some action” or smart, educated, active, and professional. People are on LinkedIn to find people with professional skills, so highlight those; don’t highlight your desperation. Take it from me—the good recruiters and business professionals are less likely to connect with you if you appear desperate. The only thing worse than an annoying recruiter is a desperate unemployed stalker candidate. Don’t send off these signals; you will only turn people off. Your headline should include your current role along with something unique or beneficial about you. Some examples of good headlines include:
- Staff R&D Engineer – Designer of innovative medical devices
- Sales Rep – Driven sales executive, cold calling closing deals
- Manager Digital Marketing – Leading development of web content that builds brand
You will need to be creative to fit your content in the small space provided, but balance keyword content with adding a benefit. Take a look at the headlines of others in your space, and you will start to see what’s good and what is not. Just remember this is the second most critical thing people see, so invest your energy accordingly.
Create Effective Content
Creating content on your LinkedIn page helps you build your professional network on LinkedIn faster and with people who are more aligned with your skills and career goals. Poor content slows things down by creating less search results with your profile and makes your experience more annoying, as you are more likely to be contacted by the wrong people. Some people think it’s better to have a very basic profile so that they are not contacted by recruiters. This is the exact opposite. By not having specific and detailed content, you are more likely to be contacted by people who are not relevant to you.
Content on LinkedIn does quite a few things for you. First, the more detailed and specific your content is, the more likely your profile is to be viewed by the right people. Your content should be keyword rich and describe the types of things you do. Did you ever stop and wonder why google searches often yield LinkedIn results? LinkedIn is one of the most heavily indexed sites for google, so better LinkedIn content not only lets you be found by the right people on LinkedIn, it also makes you easier to find on Google.
Fill out your profile completely. Use this free and very valuable space to market your accomplishments and experience. Include all the industry buzz words for your space and special skills. As stated previously, a high-quality photo is the number one thing people see when they interact with you and your profile.
In terms of developing your content, you can start with the content of your resume and expand from there. As I mentioned previously, all of the content on LinkedIn is heavily Google indexed by the LinkedIn search algorithm, so more good stuff is better. Also LinkedIn rewards completeness of content, so fill out all the sections. Post an example of non-confidential work, write a post, and add your skills. The LinkedIn site has great tutorials and will suggest areas to complete. Take the time to utilize these free resources; you want your profile to be filled out so you are rated as an “all-star.” By the way, if you are thinking you can get your profile to 100% completeness, this is also reportedly not possible. Apparently LinkedIn does not allow this; they always want the infographic that rates how complete your profile is to be under 100% to drive you into spending more time improving content.

Monday Jan 16, 2017
The ONLY Performance Review That Matters
Monday Jan 16, 2017
Monday Jan 16, 2017
The only performance review that matters is the one you give yourself. Do you take time to regular evaluate your performance?
In order to get the pay you want, get promoted or get in to management you need to set career goals and give yourself regular performance reviews.
Want more?
Check out some of my other great career content
Blog -www.MrAdamo.com
This Book Will Get you Hired -http://a.co/i0pPdaY
Hire the Best Talent - http://a.co/5oFiMWV
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Thursday Jan 12, 2017
Ten Reasons Why Top Employers Hire the Best Talent
Thursday Jan 12, 2017
Thursday Jan 12, 2017
As the unemployment rate continues to drop, 2017 promises to be a very tough year in the war for talent. Here are the top ten reasons why the very best companies succeed in hiring top talent.
- Planning – Organizations that are geared towards hiring the best acknowledge that it takes time to attract, identify, and land great people. You can’t just start recruiting when you need someone to start. The best employers take a proactive approach to identifying the talent they will need and building the pipeline necessary to hire the best.
- They move quickly – Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. The best companies have a fast and smooth hiring process. They move from resume to phone interview then on to face to face and an offer very quickly. Fast hiring processes allow top performing companies to “swoop up” in demand talent before their competitors can make a decision.
- Incredible candidate experience – The best employers know that candidates are customers too. They treat their candidates like a high-value commodity. They are not like a cattle call. Providing great “candidate service” makes the candidates they are courting feel important.
- Outstanding employee experience – The best employers treat their employees like the critical asset they are—great benefits, plenty of free parking, aggressive pay, and great career growth. You can’t fake this one. Many companies pretend to treat their employees great and then wonder why they have trouble hiring. If you’re really treating your employees amazing, they will be referring people all the time.
- Humility – The most effective employers are humble. They acknowledge that great candidates have choices and work hard to earn the right to hire those people. Some companies are so arrogant that they expect people to all line up to work for them. Humility will drive a great employee and candidate experience. Don’t take the “you’re so lucky to work here attitude.”
- Promote great leaders and fire poor ones – Great leaders have top tier followers. The best companies aggressively look to give more responsibility to outstanding leaders and get rid of poor ones. By building a culture of inspirational leadership, these companies attract the best people.
- They build a hiring process that identifies people who are not looking – Headhunter secret #1: the best people are not looking for a job. By putting talent attraction strategies in place that target people who are not looking, they are able to fish from a pool of better people.
- Stellar employment brand – The best employers implement #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6 to bring together a stellar employment brand. They also invest time and energy in shouting it from the rooftop.
- A team approach to hiring – Partnering an inspiring manager with a great HR team and headhunters who really get it create a “dream team” approach to acquiring talent. The best companies know it’s not us vs them when it comes to external recruiters and internal talent acquisition.
- Leaders who take responsibility for hiring great people – The final tip from the most successful attractors of talent is that management takes responsibility for hiring the best. A relentless pursuit of great hires results in guess what? Great hires.
While this list may not be all inclusive, it represents the top ten success practices of companies that go above and beyond to hire the best talent.
Happy hunting in 2017!

Friday Jan 06, 2017
How to Get in to Management
Friday Jan 06, 2017
Friday Jan 06, 2017
How to Get into Management
As a headhunter, many people who are not currently in a management role ask me if I can let them know about opportunities in management. Unfortunately, that’s not the way it works. “Getting into” management isn’t something that companies hire people off the street to do. Trust me; they already have plenty of people in their company who want to get into management.
If you prefer to listen or watch about this content, we have also produced a YouTube on the subject.
“Getting in” is something that is best accomplished by implementing a solid career strategy and executing it within your current company. If you don’t see a path with your current organization, you must identify a new company and invest the time and effort to build your reputation as an individual contributor and then implement a career strategy geared towards developing into a leadership role.
Here is a simple acronym to remember the steps you must take to get into leadership: BELT.
Build a Plan – Let’s be realistic here. Developing leadership skills takes years, typically 7–10 as an individual contributor and then another 2–3 to develop the reputation, leadership skills, and experience to be truly seen as a manager.
Enlist Mentors and Advocates – The good news is that all leaders in your organization have faced this same hurdle. It’s not an easy transition. Invest time in identifying people who can advise you and be your advocate when the time is right.
Lead – Look for informal opportunities to demonstrate leadership within your organization. Leaders have followers! The best way to be seen as a leader is to start demonstrating your leadership skills. Look for opportunities to contribute to the direction of your organization. Speak up in meetings. Mentor others. When you start looking for these opportunities, you will be surprised how many are out there.
Train – Become a dedicated student of leadership and management. Reading this article is a good start but don’t stop. Invest in yourself—take classes, read books, listen to podcasts, and identify as many learning opportunities as you can. Getting your boss to invest in that cool new management class is a great start but don’t stop learning.
The best way to become a leader is to be seen as one, so implement the BELT strategy and start leading. As you execute your career development plan, develop your leadership skills, and cultivate a stable of mentors and advocates, you will develop a level of momentum that will be impossible to stop.
Mike Adamo is a Medical Device Headhunter and author of several business books.
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You can also read more from Mike on his blog MRAdamo.com.
Check out Mike's business books on career management and recruitment: